If I pay tax in France, I will be able to deduce 66% of my donation amount from my income tax (within 20% of my annual taxable income).
The examples above illustrate the possible uses of your donation. We pool donations and are committed to allocating them according to rigorous management principles and priorities. However, if you wish to earmark your donation for a particular program, you can indicate this below the amount of your donation.
You will shortly receive your tax receipt by e-mail.
80% of our funds are devoted to actions in the field.Read more
Your gift to Entrepreneurs du Monde is made securely. Your payment on-line is 100% secure. The details given in this form are essential for the proper administration of your gift and the sending of your tax receipt. They are kept in the strictest confidence.
Armelle RenaudinDonor relations managerarmelle.renaudin@entrepreneursdumonde.org04 37 24 76 50